Monday, January 3, 2011

HW #5-3 period 6

Name ________________________________ Date ____________________
Create a Dialogue
knight, Sir Gallant, is
faced with a dilemma. He
has the misfortune of being
a vassal to both the Count
of Rouen and the Count of
Amiens, who, as luck would
have it, are about to settle
an argument over a piece of
land on the field of battle.
Both counts send out a call
for their vassals and their
vassals’ knights to assemble
immediately for the
purpose of forming an army.
What is Sir Gallant to do?
Can he choose to support
one count at the expense
of the other? Can he
somehow serve both? How
is he to make use of the
four knights in his service?
He is, in modern slang
terminology, “caught between
a rock and a hard place.”
On the lines opposite,
create a dialogue between
Sir Gallant and his wife,
Jeanne, as they discuss what
he should best do. In at least one page
Write any solutions you may have
to the problem into the
course of their conversation.
ur brave French