Friday, November 4, 2011


Complete Religion outline using you Journey Across Time text book.

Gather the following information:
1. What is your religion?
2. Is your religion monotheistic or polytheistic?
3. Who is the founder of this religion?
4. What is the holy book of your religion?
5. Where did your religion start?
6. What are the major religious beliefs of your religion?
7. How has your religion impacted the world?

Movie Maker Project

Project Movie maker

Choose a major world religion one you do not practice.
Gather the following information:
1. What is your religion?
2. Is your religion monotheistic or polytheistic?
3. Who is the founder of this religion?
4. What is the holy book of your religion?
5. Where did your religion start?
6. What are the major religious beliefs of your religion?
7. How has your religion impacted the world?

You will need 15 -20 images and at least one map to support your movie.
You will also need at least two songs to support you movie.
Please limit yourself to one or two sentences per slide.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aim: How did the caste system affect India?



Name: _________________________________ Date___/___/___

The Caste System

The caste system is a system of social stratification, or the ranking of people. It is based on Hindu beliefs and has long been a part of Indian society. Although the Indian constitution banned discrimination on the basis of caste in 1950, the system still influences many people’s lives.

Traditional Indian society rested upon four main varna, or occupational groupings.
• Brahmins, a religious class of priests
• Kshatriyas, a warrior class
• Vaisyas, a class of landowners, merchants and herders
• Sudras, a laboring class of servants, or peasants

The harijans were a group of people outside the caste system known as the “untouchables,” or outcasts. They were not considered one of the varna.

Thousands of subcastes have developed within the four varna. The castes into which people are born affect their occupations, marriage partners, and rights and duties within society. The caste system is an important aspect of belief in Hinduism, India’s primary religion.

1. What is the caste system? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Define VARNA: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. What are the four main varna? Draw a pyramid to represent the four varna.

4. What are the harijans? Was it good to be in this group? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. How does the caste system affect the people of India? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hw #5-2

Read Pages 202-208
On page 208
Answer Questions
5 and 6

Monday, October 31, 2011


Learning Objective:
You will be able to analyze the different major beliefs of the Hindu religion.
Smart board lesson

HW #4-2

Read Pages 202-208
On page 208
Answer Questions
1,2 and 4.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Learning Objective:
You will be able to analyze the different major beliefs of the Buddhist religion.

Smart board lesson
The Buddha

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

HW #3-2

Read pages 195- 201  On Page 201   Answer Questions 1, 2 and 6

Aim: How did the culture develop in the Indus Valley Civilization?

Do Now: Make a comparison chart between Mesopotamia and Egypt using FAID.
Mesopotamia Egypt

Caste system - a system set up by the Aryans to group people in society by occupation.
polytheistic - religious belief in many gods.
Twin Cities: Mohenjo Daro and Harappan - set up in a grid pattern
Religion: people were polytheistic
sacred animal were bulls
Mother goddess- most Harrapan gods were female
Merchants and Trade
Coastal regions - traded copper, cotton, ivory, pearl, grain. Boats made it all the way to Mesopotamia.
Most people were farmers first people to cultivate and weave (cotton) fibers into cloth.
Caste System - division of occupation
untouchables - Dravidian- "non people" original Indus people

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ancient Chinese Dynasties

Homework # 3-2

 Read page 225 to 231 on pages 225, 226 and 230 answer question using geography skills 1 and 2

Monday, October 24, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Aim: Without the Nile would Egypt be a Desert?

1. Flooding of the Nile every spring provides fertile soil.
2. Nile River flows North to Mediterranean Sea (gift).
3. Nile is the "breadbasket" of Egypt because of all of the wheat grown there.
4. Nile is famous as the longest river in the world.
5. River Nile runs through Egypt, creating a fertile green valley across the desert.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Aim: Why is Egypt called the Gift of the Nile?

Do Now:
1. What does FAID stand for?
2. Why is FAID so important to all Early River Valley Civilizations?
Smartboard lesson
Pharaoh- ruler of Ancient Egypt that was considered both a god and a leader
Theocracy- ruler is both religious and government leader
Hieroglyphics- Egyptian writing which has pictures for words and sounds. Used to keep records.
Pyramid- ancient burial tomb for the Pharaoh's of Egypt
Mummies - Wrapped body of the dead
Dynasty- family of rulers
Embalming- method used to preserve dead bodies


Write 5 facts I learned about Ancient Egypt in class today. Please use complete sentences.

Monday, October 17, 2011

AIM: Why did Hammurabi’s Code provide justice for Ancient Babylon?

Do Now: Agree or disagree – “an eye for an eye, a life for a life.”  Explain. 

HW# 10

Create a set of ten laws, and their punishments for the classroom. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HW#9 (Due Thursday)

HW#9 (Due Thursday)
Read pages 16-23
Answer Question
1. What is civilization?(pg 17)
2. Why were river valleys important?(pg 17)
3. What were city states?(pg 19)
4. How did Mesopotamian's control the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? (pg 20)
5. What kind of written language did the Mesopotamian's use?(pg 21)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aim: Have you ever heard of the Mesopotamian's (Sumerian's)?

Do Now:  List four facts about the Neolithic Revolution
Lesson: (1) Vocabulary Review
1. City States- cities and the surrounding territories
2. Artisans - Skilled workers
3. Ziggurats- Mesopotamian temples
4. Cuniform- Sumerian writing made up of wedge -shaped sign
5. Scribe - Sumerian writer
6. Priest King- Sumerian governmental and religious leader

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Aim: What changes marked the Neolithic Revolution?

Do Now: Define: Revolution-____________________________________________________
List the historical inaccuracies (problems) with the television show the Flintstones.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Aim: How can we compare economic systems?

Do Now:
1.How is a need similar to want?
2. What would happen if money didn’t exist?

Monday, September 26, 2011


A newly independent nation has emerged and needs to create a government. As an adviser to that nation you have been asked to analyze one of the political systems listed below.
  • Parliamentary Democracy
  • Absolute Monarchy
  • Totalitarian Dictatorship
  • Theocracy
  • Direct Democracy
  1. Discuss one strength of that system.
  2. Discuss one weakness of that system
  3. Identify a nation (past or present) that used that political system. (You cannot discuss the United States.)

Aim: What is government?

Do NOW:  Why do people listen to rules?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Aim: How do landforms force humans to adapt or change their environment?

Smartboard Lesson
Do Now: (Complete label the continents open notebook quiz) environment?

1. Landforms - natural features of the earths surface - Example: Mountains
2. Elevation- height above sea level
3. Peninsula - land surrounded by water on three sides
4. Island - land surrounded by water on all sides
5. Waterways rivers and oceans are natural canal are man made
6. Climate- pattern of weather over the year
7. Equator - 0 latitude on the globe
8. Longitude- lines that run East and West of the Prime Meridian
9. Latitude - Line that run North and South of the Equator (across)


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

HW #2

Please explain in complete sentences.
1. What are the four main kinds of landforms?
2. What are some of the ways landforms and waterways have been important to history?
3. How does climate affect the way you live?
4. How does a particular landforms effect farming?
5. Do countries have a distinct advantage over others because of key landforms? Please at least on land form and use two countries outside of the United States to make your argument.

Aim: How can the study of social science help us to better understand our world?

Aim: How can the study of social science help us to better understand our world?
Do Now:
What is Geography?
What is Economics?

1. Geography- the study of earth and the way people live on it
2. Economics- the science of making choices with limited resources
3. Political Science- the study of government
4. Archeology- study of the remains of the past
5. Anthropology- study of human beings
6. Sociology- the study of the people in society

Smartboard lesson 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Student Questionnaire

Department of Education of the City of New York


Timothy M. Gannon, Principal

Name:_________________________ Date:_______ Grade:_______ School Year:________

1. Why are you attending Port Richmond High School?


2. What do you expect will happen by attending Port Richmond High School?


3. What do you see yourself doing in the next 10 years?


4. What do you expect to learn in this class?


5. What job would you like to have for a career?__________________________________________________________________

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? Please explain why?


7. What are your interest/hobbies?


Any questions? Please write in the space below.



Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

HW# 9- Due Wednesday

Once again, we are going into the world of food.  Select a Mongolian recipe.  Print it out.  Show how one ingredient is still used today.  Discuss where it came from, how it is packaged and used today.  You must bring it in to show the class.  For extra credit, prepare the dish and sample it for the class

Monday, January 17, 2011


  1. THE MAJOR RELIGIONS1)Christianity 2)Hinduism 3)Islam 4)Buddhism 5)Judaism 6)Animism
  2. A comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and Sparta 
  3. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are similar how ?
  4. Ancient civilizations 1)Greek 2)Egyptian 3)Roman 4) Chinese 5)Mesopotamian 6)Indus 
  5. Social Science 1) economist 2)political scientist 3) geographer 4)psychologist
  6. Neolithic Revolution 
  7. Which geographic feature was common to the development of civilizations in ancient Egypt, China, India, and Mesopotamia?
  8.   Eightfold Path and the Five Pillars of Faith 
  9. Hammurabi Code, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code
  10. European feudal system 
  11. Ten Commandments

Martin Luther King Jr Day

No School

Friday, January 14, 2011


Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task
below, and a conclusion.
Theme: Belief Systems
The world has many different belief systems. Each is distinctive, but all greatly
influenced the lives of their followers and the society in which the belief system
was practiced.
Choose two major belief systems and for each
• Explain key beliefs and/or practices
• Discuss an influence the belief system had on the lives of its followers or the
society in which it was practiced
You may use any example from your study of global history. Some suggestions you might
wish to consider include animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Daoism, Islam,
Judaism, legalism, and Shinto.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Aim: What was like like in towns & cities during the Middle Ages?

HW #6-3 Period 3 and 5

HW #5-3 Period 3 and 5

1. What types of jobs do you think a peasan did in the Middle Ages?
2. What types of things do you think a knight did in the Middle Ages?
3. What do you think a Lord and Lady could do that peasants couldn't do?

HW 6-3 Period 6

Due Tuesday, January 12th

1.  Why were serfs unhappy?
2.  Why did serfs like the towns?
3.  Why was night the worst time for the former serf in the story?
4.  Why was the town an exciting place for a person from a manor?
5.  Describe a typical English town of this period

Monday, January 3, 2011

HW #2-3 Period 6

Rome Elections Primary Document


          Ancient Rome was a republic.  It did not have a king, and it was not a democracy.  Only men who belonged to a small group actually held office.  For many years, ordinary people tried to get some voice in government.  They won some rights, but power stayed with just a few.
          Roman officials did, however, need the people’s support.  Like modern politicians, they tried different ways to get it.  This reading is from a letter written in 63 B.C.  In it, Quintus Cicero tells his brother how to get elected.

Primary Document

          Whoever gives any sign of liking you, or regularly visits your house, you must put down in the category of friends.  You must take great pain that these men should love you and desire your highest honor as, for example, your tribesmen, neighbors, clients, and finally your freedmen, yes even your slaves; for nearly all the gossip that forms public opinion emanates from your own servants’ quarters.

          In a word, you must secure friends of every class, magistrates, consuls and their tribunes to win you the vote of the centuries (that elect the consuls);  men of wide popular influence.



Name:  _________________           Period:  ______

Written Document Analysis Worksheet

1. TYPE OF DOCUMENT:  ______________________
 DATE(S) OF DOCUMENT:_____________________
2. AUTHOR (OR CREATOR) OF THE DOCUMENT: ___________________
What is 3 main things that the author is trying to say:
      4. ________________________________________________
      5. ________________________________________________
7. Why do you think this document was written?
8. What evidence in the document helps you know why it was written? Quote from the document.
List two things the document tells you about life at the time it was written:
9. ___________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________

HW#3-3 Period 6

Fit the following roles into the appropriate place on the "Pyramid of Power" for a Feudal Kingdom in Medieval Europe:
Vassals, Peasants, Merchants,  Serfs,   Monarch, Farmers, Nobles , Pope / Church, Craftsmen, Knights
1. What do you note about the numbers of people present at each level on the pyramid?  Which levels had the most people?  Which had the fewest?

2. Who on the Pyramid had the most power over their own lives and those of others?

HW #5-3 period 6

Name ________________________________ Date ____________________
Create a Dialogue
knight, Sir Gallant, is
faced with a dilemma. He
has the misfortune of being
a vassal to both the Count
of Rouen and the Count of
Amiens, who, as luck would
have it, are about to settle
an argument over a piece of
land on the field of battle.
Both counts send out a call
for their vassals and their
vassals’ knights to assemble
immediately for the
purpose of forming an army.
What is Sir Gallant to do?
Can he choose to support
one count at the expense
of the other? Can he
somehow serve both? How
is he to make use of the
four knights in his service?
He is, in modern slang
terminology, “caught between
a rock and a hard place.”
On the lines opposite,
create a dialogue between
Sir Gallant and his wife,
Jeanne, as they discuss what
he should best do. In at least one page
Write any solutions you may have
to the problem into the
course of their conversation.
ur brave French

HW# 4-3 period 3 and 5


Aim: What were the Middle Ages? Period 3 and 5